The winery can look back on nearly 300 years of wine growing history. First records in the family date back to the year 1729.

The long history ….

… of the Poysdorf winery and the long-standing wine-growing past of the family provide the knowledge that together with the modern know-how sets new quality standards.

2001 Martin and Andrea took over the winery and with it 25 hectares of vineyards that are cultivated conscientiously and in line with up-to-date standards.


…..means tradition



The climatic influences and geologic conditions provide an ideal basis for multifaceted and lively wines. Metre-deep loess, fine wind-borne sand deposits from the ice ages and great differences in temperature between day and night mark the dominant terroir of the northeastern Weinviertel. This ensures a long ripening period and brings fruitiness and liveliness to our wines. Clay, primary rock and black earth soils can also be found. This is why, alongside Grüner Veltliner, Pinot Blanc, Riesling and Zweigelt are among the main varieties, while Chardonnay and Blauer Portugieser are more of a speciality.

The main protagonist is of course the Grüner Veltliner that is cultivated on over 50% of our vineyards. The origin of this grape variety is largely unknown, but traces go back to Roman times.

The concept of DAC wines (Districtus Austriae Controllatus) makes possible a regional Austrian designation of origin with a clearly defined quality and flavour profile.


Martin Hirtl

is a graduate of the Mistelbach School of Viticulture and passed his examination for the agricultural master’s certificate in Krems. Progress, further training and a willingness to learn new things coupled with the experience of his ancestors is the credo of his work. Dynamic times call for openness and foresight and the climate change poses new challenges for viticulture as well. Martin meets these challenges for instance by analysing the leaf water content of the vines, observing the soil moisture content and adapting green covering accordingly.


Andrea Hirtl

enjoys the talks with customers and wine enthusiasts and that’s a good thing, because with so many tasting and presentation appointments she gets around quite a bit. Andrea got her education at the commercial and viticultural school and is responsible for sales and marketing at the winery. But just as it is in a well-established family business, everything is decided together. Martin has a say in marketing and sales, just as Andrea has a say in wine questions and regular tastings to check the quality of their own wines is always teamwork for both of them.


Christian Hirtl

has successfully completed the agricultural technical school in Mistelbach and is now actively involved in our family business. His passion is in the vineyard and has four wheels – driving the tractor!


Markus Hirtl

is currently completing his final year at the Krems School of Viticulture and supports us mainly at weekends. After completing his civilian service with the fire brigade, he will gain new experiences at wineries abroad and thus enrich our quality production.


Sensitivity in the vineyard -
Know how in the wine cellar



Here you find names and addresses where to purchase and enjoy our wines.

Weingut HIRTL

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